Tuesday 24 March 2015


My first born Luka turned 7 years old last week, he arrived to this world on the 19th March he was just perfect with the biggest set of green eyes and big hair lots of it. he was the poster child to have twenty kids he was like the textbook so I didn't need a text book he slept he ate he slept and slept and ate and ate....

The last seven years have gone so quickly and yet so many things have change we lived in our city apartment we added more munchkins to the family we moved to the whitecottage.

I can't believe my first born is already seven he is like my gentle giant he is very reserve until he gets to know you well he does not like being the centre of attention he knows so many things and it's quite clever but he gets embarrassed quite easily, he has lots of friends and enjoys school and life in general just like any other seven years old. 

While on holidays last week the rest of our family were having a midday nap, Luka was playing outside our bungalow  I could not see him through the palm trees I asked him what was he doing he replied that he was exploring would I like to join him so I did.

We explored and walked around the resort Luka talked about the plants and flowers he told me he had seen a creek at the end of the resort and we should go and check it out.

I saw the plants and the flowers but what I mostly saw was my gorgeous boy who was so confident and happy telling me all the things he knew  and the thoughts he had, he mentioned he loves exploring so we did and this is what we found.


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