Thursday 2 October 2014

When the Country Lady gives you Lemons - make Lemon cake

Over the weekend we visited the Country Lady and the Country Doctor and they have the most delish and wonderful looking citrus trees, I am totally jealous of the amount of  lemons and limes, and I am delighted to have come home with a huge bag of home grown lemons.

Well the Country Lady and her munchkins are coming overnight to the Whitecottage and I am so excited I am like a teenager seeing One Direction, I can not wait for all the chatter and eating that is going to be happening here, I might even open my special bottle of champers.

Anyhow yes I know I only saw her the other day and yes I do speak to her most days during the week but when we are together in person we talk about décor we look at magazines and share ideas on how to improve this and that or how to cook this and that.

What is most appropriate than to bake my famous lemon cake considering that the Country Lady gave us the lemons and the cake bakes perfecto!!!

why don't you give it a go, it is so delish

how to? on the recipe section. Enjoy The Cupcake Lady

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