Monday 2 September 2013

Spring at the whitecottage

It is spring I am so happy that we are onto spring and I can finally say goodbye to winter, I usually love winter and being rugged up with a cuppa of hot chocolate specially on weekends when we have movie night at home with the munchkins but not this year this winter we had most of our bunch sick with the flu or recovering from operations oh well that was winter that was so last season!!!

Onto today Spring glorious spring I don't know what it is about spring but it gets me motivated to do jobs that I have been long ignoring, I am in the mood to throw everything away and embrace the minimalist lifestyle well not quite!.... let me tell you my problem as my friend the Country Lady would say (lets call her Mel just to keep her incognito) she might say that I have hoarding tendencies me I call it lived in but now I am thinking it's spring and the time has come once again to purge and throw away, sell and donate things we no longer use or need  so that's what I will be doing in the next few weeks.

The other fantastic thing about spring is our garden thanks to the late warm weather we have had our plants are starting to look good the roses have started to bloom and we have been paying special attention to our citrus trees which they were looking a bit sad and you know it's important to have some nice juicy lemons for summer by the time I finish de cluttering the White Cottage I will be in great need of a mojito so I better look after those trees like my newborn babies.

Today I was potting around the garden when I saw this cute bee in the vegie patch and it made my heart melt.

I love spring.

what are your spring rituals? would love to hear from you. Cheers Karla


  1. Thanks for your inspirational post, Karla! Spring for me is all about shedding the tracky daks and getting out into the sunshine - heading up the coast to the beach on weekends; splashing in the pool; taking the kids on the citycat for a swim at South Bank. It is that glorious time of the year where the days are sunny and warm, and before the humidity and oppressive heat of summer arrives. My first beautiful baby arrived three days before the start of spring so, especially since then, spring signifies new beginnings for me. Xxx

    1. Wow that sound Amazing the weather has been fantastic and yes we must make the most of it and how beautiful a brand new munchkin at the start of spring how perfect. Congratulations. cheers Karla
